After intense exercise the human body goes through a recovery stage known as EPOC (excess post-exercise consumption). In simple terms, your body dislikes change and it will do anything in its power to adapt to changing conditions. During recovery, oxygen is used to return the body back to a normal physiological state. An individuals increased post exercise oxygen consumption is determined by two intervals, intensity and duration. Regardless of anaerobic (absence of oxygen- weight training) or aerobic (presense of oxygen- cardiovascular) work. Research suggest the effect of EPOC can last up to 38 hours and is greatest immediately following exercise.
Figure A- depicts light aerobic exercise. Recovery VO2 in minimal. Athletes response to exercise (EPOC) will be minimal. Recovery time will last just a few hours.
Figure B- depicts heavy aerobic exercise. Recovery VO2 is extended because intensity increased. Athletes response to exercise (EPOC) will be near maximal. Recovery time will last around 24 hours.
Figure C- depicts near maximal aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Recovery VO2 is extended because intensity increased. Athletes response to exercise (EPOC) will be near maximal. Recovery time will last up to 38 hours.
Figure 7.10 depicts an increase in EPOC (per liter of O2 consumption) versus time spent walking on a treadmill @ 70% VO2 for a duration of 20, 40, 60 minutes. Notable increases between all three increments are worthy. The largest increase, from 40 to 60 minutes, is a 5 liter of oxygen per minute increase. **Intensity remained the same while duration increased.
Effects from EPOC can be summarized into seven categories.
Increased levels of oxygen uptake will resynthesizes ATP (energy), resynthesizes lactate to glycogen, oxidize lactate in energy metabolism, restore oxygen to myoglobin and blood, thermogenic effects of elevated core temperature, thermogenic effects of hormones, elevated heart rate, and ventilation.